Friday, February 3, 2012

The Workout for "I Don't Have Time" people!!

So, you don't have time to workout... I can sympathize. I work full time (50+ hours a week), I come home and help my wife with our 4 kids and by the time , dinner is eaten, homework is done, kids are bathed, odd jobs completed, sports, karate, etc. have been attended I'm ready to crawl into bed. Waking up early isn't a real good option either since my 2 youngest seem quite content to wake my wife and I up several times each night. So I looked very hard at my schedule and just couldn't find the time to get to the gym for a workout. So I started considering working out at home, well doing a video was ok but on a regular basis wasn't happening, and I was struggling to follow any kind of 90 day, or 60 day get ripped program. So I decided to start out small and commit to 3 20 minute exercise times each week. I had some free weights so I would do some lifting, I would do my favorite P90x video (Ab Ripper), I would do push-ups, sit-ups, and burpees in quick succession. After a few weeks I noticed a spot in my schedule that I hadn't noticed before that would allow me time to work out. My LUNCH BREAK! I was taking at least a 30 minute lunch everyday and would most times eat at a lunch table with my co-workers. Luckily for me we have single person bathrooms right next door to my office. At first I would sneak in with my gym bag and try not to draw attention to myself. But after a few days of my "bathroom workouts" I stopped worrying what anyone would say and now am perfectly clear on what I go in there to do (don't worry the bathrooms are very clean and we have more bathrooms down the hall for those people in need of "immediate relief"). I started doing my videos (I ripped them to my smartphone), I started doing resistance bands, and I started going for longer workouts (usually between 30-45 minutes). Results: Have lost 20 pounds since starting this, didn't gain any weight during the holidays (usually I can put on 15 pounds easy), and have felt better going through this winter than any winter I can remember. So we need to look for time we are wasting and find a few minutes to do some good for our bodies. (Even 5 minutes of stretching is better than nothing).
My Favorite "NO TIME" workout:.... The PYRAMID!!!! Here's how it works......
10 sec workout, 10 sec rest
20 sec workout..........20 sec rest
30 sec workout..........................30 sec rest
30 sec workout..........................30 sec rest
20 sec workout..........20 sec rest
10 sec workout, 10 sec rest
Total Time for a Pyramid: 4 minutes!

So here are my favorite workouts to do in "Pyramid Workouts"
Pyramid #1: Jumping Jacks- **TIP**- Touch your hands together when going over your head, and go deep squat style on your legs. I promise after four minutes your legs will be burning.
Pyramid#2: Mountain Climbers: Assume push-up position- And alternate your legs driving your knees into your chest. **TIP**- Try to keep your abs contracted the entire time you do this.
Pyramid#3: Plank Superman- Get into plank position and stretch your right arm/left leg out, then go left arm/ right leg. **TIP**- Keep your abs contracted!
Pyramid#4: Deep Squat Jumps: Start with a squat (go lower than 90 degrees), then jump up in the air, land and start again. **TIP**, don't focus on how high you jump rather on how deep and wide your legs can go when you are squatting.

Total for all 4 Pyramids= 16 Minutes. So this is the workout for anyone that doesn't "have time" to workout! (Even if you have time, give this a shot, you will not be disappointed).

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