Monday, February 6, 2012

Stock up on Produce using “Fresh Bags”

It seems I can always find junk food on sale, but produce and healthy snacks can be a bit more difficult. Produce selection obviously varies by season, but when something my family likes goes on sale I like to stock up. Stock up on produce? Won’t it go bad before you can use it? One of the very best products I have ever found for eating nutritiously on a budget are produce bags sometimes referred to as “green bags” or “fresh bags”). I actually discovered these a few years ago at a dollar store and have been using them ever since. The bags work well for most fruits and vegetables and can extend the length of time the produce stays fresh by several weeks making it possible to actually stock up on items like strawberries, kiwi and grapes (favorites in my house) and also keeps celery and peppers from wilting in my crisper drawer. My regular grocery store does not actually carry these bags, so a trip to the dollar store every so often is necessary, but probably saves me $30 per month at least on fresh produce.

The bags are reusable and relatively inexpensive (about 10 for $1). Make sure to follow the instructions on the box for storing produce (make sure it is dry and cold before placing in the bag, use a paper towel to absorb moisture, etc.). Give these bags a try yourself and let me know what you think!

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